Monday, 17 September 2012


I have to give myself some credit. For years, I've always been envious of people creating blogs as  a medium to share ones thoughts and experiences to the world. Today, I finally took the plunge and made one. I am well aware of the fact that I can be very outspoken about certain things so I decided to put my opinions in writing as a way  to bring out the creative juices trapped inside me. Don't get me wrong, though. I don't consider myself a WRITER and nor will I ever be at par with the really good ones out there. I'm just your regular run-of-the-mill burnt-out 25-year old itching to do what she's eternally loved doing and has once and for all, done something about it.

This decision to start up my own blog didn't happen overnight though. I have been conceptualizing this in my head for a very long time now but I guess I was just preoccupied with my daily routine and somewhere along the way, the lazybug took its toll on me until now.

So here's to a fresh start and new beginnings! Though the year is headed to a close, I vow to be as productive and spontaneous as I can be. It's right about time to let life take its course. Because random events are better than planned ones and having a bit of an adventure out of is better than over-analyzing things and I'll be sure to write about them soon...

Later! :)